Circle driveway

by Cindy Gann
(Davidson, NC)

Hi. My husband and I have a pie shaped lot that’s got minimal road frontage - I’m attaching pic below but think it’s 70ft. The plan we have allows for only a two car garage and no extra parking. Is a circular driveway even a possibility?

I've taken a look at your photo. Unfortunately, the photo isn't clear enough for me to see the dimensions. Can you get back to me with the numbers by the arrows, so I can see the actual size of the area that I have to work with? Also, do the garage doors face forward or to the side?



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Feb 14, 2021
73.15 road fromtage
by: Cindy

Hi. The road frontage dimensions are 73.15’ with a 40’ setback and building envelope is 67.63 at the front and pies out at back to 237’.

We are in the design process of the house now. Because of the wraparound porch, the garage cannot be attached. So we will either have a two-car garage than sits at an angle flowing with the pie of the lot OR a three car garage that faces the house but that depends if that even fits with the 30’ turnaround space. The architect has not worked on it yet, which is unfortunate, bc we have only one more week to decide if we will close on the lot.

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