I want to extend my front porch but ...

by Miriam Kearney
(Tweed, Ontario Canada)

We are not allowed to extend the porch roof. The porch is just a bit narrow and we'd like to make it about 2-3 feet wider. What we are thinking is that we could extend it beyond the roofline with a round edge and railing and then plant some hostas or other perennials around the edge.

This would give us enough room to have a conversational grouping out there which we think is friendlier than just a narrow porch where all you can do is sit or stand in a row.

Our front yard is not large - only 15 feet from edge of house to sidewalk which is less than current zoning. Our house is 180 years old triple brick.

I know how to do this - but I'm having trouble visualizing it and wondering if it would look weird to not have the roof over the entire porch.

Any thoughts?



When doing an addition to your home be it inside or outside, the challenge is to make the improvement not look and feel like an addition. A porch area extending beyond the roof line may certainly look like an addition especially on an older home. The porch being in the front, also makes me think about how this addition will effect the overall look of the front of the house. Does it make sense to come off the end of the porch ( I believe this would be the side of your house) with a pretty set of steps that blend with the architecture of your house? At the bottom of the steps, you could have a patio large enough to create the seating area you want. Plantings between the patio and front of house/sidewalk can help give you privacy and nice plantings around the patio.
I hope this information helps! I would love to see more pictures or pictures as your project moves forward.
Thanks for contacting me.


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