What landscaping elements will balance a big off-center garage?

by Sarah
(North Laurel, MD)

Hi Julie --

I can't seem to find many ideas on the internet or in books to help me resolve the landscaping around this "heavy" garage. This website shows the different home models -- see the Chartley and Aberdeen photos. We have heavy clay soil (the developer removed the topsoil) and a zone 7 but hot muggy climate. We are interested in xeriscaping (so drought tolerant plants) as well as traditional and native plantings. In the front we have planted a Jane Magnolia on the left hand side (the windows side). I would any suggestions for what "bones" to lay down and any terminology or websites like yours to help me figure out a long-term plan for our front and side yards.

Thank you!



HI! I checked out the link you sent and see how large the garage is to the rest of the house. The driveways on the web site only emphasize the garage. I always like to emphasize the front door with the driveway design. This would have helped, but may be too late now. I don't know how your planting spaces or driveway design is laid out. Has this even been done yet? If not, the driveway design can be done to allow planting in front of the garage and asphalt. Also, the width of your lot is a factor in what you can do with the driveway.

It's difficult to find your exact solution on the internet. Every landscape project is custom to that homeowner and property. The internet will provide some ideas that can lead you towards solving your problem. Maybe explore landscape architects and designers in your area that can help you in detail.

I hope this information helps. Please feel free to submit more detailed information too.



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Jun 02, 2015
Yep, too late now NEW
by: Sarah

Nancy -- Thank you for reviewing my question and the website. I will email you a photo of our house/yard so you can see what we've got for plantings at the moment.

We don't have any control over the driveway or garage location, unfortunately. I think the only hope is to build out our garden to the right of the house that would balance out the garage a bit. We would consider walks, retaining walls, fencing...

I haven't had any luck finding other houses like ours in sample design photos. The good news for us is that the inside of the house is much better balanced!

Thank you for taking a look!

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