What would be the best liner for a backyard pond with dogs?

by Susan Yerdon
(Methuen, MA USA )

We would like to build a backyard pond in the dog run area of our yard, so the dogs have a way to cool down in the heat and hopefully distract them from the pool. We are not sure what would be the best liner to use and sand for the bottom so they are comfortable and enjoy the pond. If you could offer any insight it would be greatly appreciated.

What lucky dogs! They are going to love this addition to the dog run. Butyl rubber liners are what I use in all my ponds. These liners are thicker and more durable than plastic. A builders grade sand that is easy to level and the finest particles is good. There are now fabrics you can use that replace the sand component of the pond. You could use a molded, fiberglass or rigid plastic unit as well. These solid ponds would have a completely different look and feel than the liner pond. Springdale Aquatic Nursery and Supply is a great resourse for pond building materials. Thanks for submitting your questions. Nancy

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